Bouchercon 2011 highlights

1) The restaurant near the convention hotel that delighted my three English lunch companions by serving corned-beef bollicks (sic).
2) Quaffing a Schlafly Oktoberfest or two at the hotel bar with Eric Stone, an author new to me whose books I will begin reading once I get done with Bouchercon posts.
3) Trying to keep up with Eoin Colfer and Colin Cotterill during Saturday's “CRANKY STREETS: WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT MURDER?” panel.
4) The waitress who yelled at Jon Jordan and who, having no truck with tagliatelle, served me instead a plate of "tailgate pasta."
5) St. Louis' Walk of Fame, along Delmar Boulevard in the Loop. Many cities have Walks of Fame, but how many include Betty Grable, Bob Gibson, William S. Burroughs, and Phyllis Diller — on the same block?
© Peter Rozovsky 2011
Labels: Bouchercon 2011, Colin Cotterill, conventions, Eoin Colfer, Eric Stone
Just came across this and thought you might enjoy.
Reality after Bouchercon. Enjoyed your pictures.
I like your new friends. Although really, they might just as well be foes.
v word=thful. There ought to be an 'ought' but there is naught.
Thanks, Liz. A colleague told me about National Punctuation Day at work this evening. The subject is of natural interest to copy editors.
Did you see this post I made during Bouchercon?
Foes, you say, Seana? You think the sly smile on the leftmost friend might conceal bad intentions?
I can't say I'm anywhere close to understanding the art of Pre-Columbian America or Africa or the Pacific islands, but I love the (to me) novel forms.
Caught without an ought for that slot? Rot!
Peter, read and enjoyed that post.
Liz, his comments impressed me to no end. To many people who accept money for setting words to paper, punctuation is nothing but a set of old rules or else a fashion closet. (Em-dashes have replaced semi-colons as the mars most vogueishly misused for the humble period or comma.) It's nice to meet someone who understands how it can shape and enhance a piece of writing.
I read Stone's LIVING ROOM OF THE DEAD and liked it a lot. We traded a couple of emails over it and he's a very nice man, to boot. He's on my ever-growing list of authors I really need to make time to read, which expands faster than I have time to read them.
I bought Shanghaied, the fourth in his Ray Sharp series, because I liked the opening. I'm told I should think about starting with an earlier book.
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