Saturday, October 08, 2016

Bouchercon / (Me)con: Photos of me at Bouchercon 2016 in New Orleans

My excellent panel called "Hank to Hendrix. Beyond Hammett 
and Chandler: Lesser Known Writers of the Pulp and Paperback
Original  Eras." From left: me, Martin Edwards, Gary Phillips,
Eric Beetner, Rick Ollerman. Thanks, guys.
In the French Quarter
Here's evidence that I did more than just take pictures of other people at Bouchercon; some of them took pictures of me, too. Thanks to Linda L. Richards, Ali Karim, Mike Stotter, Suzanne Solomon, Terrence McCauley, M'lou Greene, Nanci Kalanta, John Thomas Bychowski, and the waiters, waitresses, and passers-by of New Orleans who let themselves be wheedled into taking pictures with me in them.
Me and the Man on Canal Street

With Nanci Kalanta over breakfast at the Ruby
Slipper Cafe, Magazine Street, New Orleans
Lobby bar at the New Orleans Marriott, where the
staff and service were superb, and the elevators had
minds of their own.
Breakfast at the Ruby Slipper. Counterclockwise
from left: Daniel Palmer, Ali Karim, me, Mike Stotter,
J. Kingston Pierce, Joe Finder, Stuart Neville, Steve
Mike Stotter, Allison Leotta, me, and, in the
background, Tom Pitts, at Laura Lippman's house
If you don't know who this is by now, you haven't
been paying attention.
Hanging out before I checked in with, from left, Ali
Karim, Martin Edwards, Jacques Filippi, Mike
With Ali Karim, Mike Stotter, J. Kingston Pierce, and
Keith Raffel after our visit to the National World War
II Museum in New Orleans
Moderating the "Hank to Hendrix" panel, whose
members included Martin Edwards (right) discussing
Michael Gilbert
With J. Kingston Pierce, Ali Karim, and Nanci
Kalanta at the convention hotel
Doing my photo thing, fifth row, right
side, with my leg sticking into the
With J. Kingston "Jeff" Pierce, J.D. Allen. Mike
Stotter at the Shamus Awards dinner
Being checked for a pulse at the
convention hotel. That's what
happens at Bouchercons
© Peter Rozovsky 2016



Blogger seana graham said...

That last picture says it all, Peter.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

It does. I go to bed marginally earlier during Bouchercon, but I also wake up six or seven hours earlier, and I do more. So yeah, the result in that photo is typical.

And it has always been thus. Here's part of what I wrote about my first Bouchercon, in Baltimore in 2008:

"The official part of the conference had wrapped up, and the unofficial part seemed ready to follow. Suitcases littered the hotel lobby, and among them flopped bodies of exhausted convention-goers. I don't know about the rest of them, but my body was subsiding comfortably into the floor, and my mind was close behind."

October 09, 2016  
Blogger seana graham said...

That actually sounds like a great opening for a crime story, Peter.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

I've used it that way!

October 09, 2016  
Blogger seana graham said...

Weird--that was written almost exactly seven years ago. Was there a follow-up chapter?

October 09, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

I included a follow-up in my riposte to the meta-fiction that John McFetridge wrote about his and Declan Burke's road trip to that Bouchercon, which included a stop in Philadelphia for a Noir at the Bar hosted by "Peter Rozovsky."

I incorporated bits of it in a piece I read at a Noir at the Bar this past summer. I'm more less embarrassed by it, though I think I could make another effort to make something of the salvageable bits.

I probably wrote the original eight years ago, rather than seven. I know I reposted at least once on the occasion of a Bouchercon subsequent to 2008's.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger seana graham said...

Yes, I remember the Burke/McFetridge escapade. I just didn't know if this was connected to it. No reason to be embarrassed, it was entertaining.

Yes, the Bouchercon referred to was 2008, but the post is from 2009. Maybe a repost though.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

I know I reposted it at least once. When I get wrapped up in preparations for an approaching Bouchercon, I rend to reposts from previous conventions.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

I still have not figured out how to incorporate those anecdotes and scenes into workable fiction. And I've tried a few times, too. I may not have thought hard enough about what appeals to me about them, and therefore about how to go about spinning them into something longer. Maybe I continue each in its current vein, to try to connect it with other real events rather than try to turn reality in fiction.

October 09, 2016  
Blogger TRR@HP15135 said...

I love the irony: your great photos betray the notion that New Orleans remains the last great place in which a person can really lose himself and become an anonymous soul set completely free, especially on that streetcar named desire. I'm envious! I'm yearning for some beignets!

October 12, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Not much chance of anonymity with 2,000 of us walking the streets taking pictures of each others and, if one believes James Lee Burke's books, the occasional street seamster waiting to snap up our money. I did not ride a streetcar named Desire, but the St. Charles Line was atmospheric enough for me. A tip on beignets: If you wait a few minutes before eating them, they are a sweet and tasty pastry. But if you eat them fresh, they'll melt in your mouth. It's quite an experience. Oh, and the andouille-encrusted fish at the Palace Cafe is quite good, as are the hot roast beef pi-boys at Mena's Palace. Oh, and the music ...

October 12, 2016  
Blogger Linda L. Richards said...

I love the one of you chillin' with Fritz. Very cool of both of you.

October 12, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Linda: I was very happy to find Fritz. See the cat. BE the cat.

October 12, 2016  

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