Thursday, November 05, 2015

Who, what, when, where, and wai: Detectives Beyond Borders to talk crime fiction in Bangkok

Bangkok Noir Authors - International Crime Meetup
If you happen to be in Bangkok on Nov. 15, I'll be appearing at a pretty special event there that evening.  The handbill for the event (above/right), to be held at Check Inn 99, says Christopher G. Moore will interview me, but I'll probably ask more questions than I'll answer.

Sunday 15 Nov 6-9pm. A special inaugural meetup hosted by Christopher G. Moore featuring Peter Rozovsky the man behind Detective Beyond Borders. Peter is a well known Crime Fiction Critic whose blog is read internationally.

A relaxed and informal atmosphere to hear about trends in international Noir hardboiled mystery novels and how the community of writers in South East Asia fit into this genre. This will be a chance to join others who share similar interests and to meet locally based Crime and Fiction Authors, ask questions and otherwise enjoy yourselves. This will follow on from the popular Sunday afternoon Jazz Jam at Checkinn99. Entertainment after from Music of the Heart Band. More details on

If you're in the area, Check Inn 99 is at 97 Sukhumvit Road, right across from the Landmark Hotel. See you there.  

Read about the Bangkok Noir short story collection at

© Peter Rozovsky 2015

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Anonymous Christopher G. Moore said...

Peter, we are expecting a good crowd at the CheckInn99 for the event. And you thought you were going on holiday. The crime community is tracking you. Immunizations are useless. On the positive side, most the community are avid crime fiction readers so you should be okay.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger seana graham said...

Although it's probably a long shot that either of them can make it, I've just alerted two friends who have some possibility of being in Bangkok for the event. I hope it's a great event in any case.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Gerard Brennan said...

Cool! You're a well-travelled attraction, sir.

Are you heading to Crimefest this year?


November 05, 2015  
Blogger Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Peter, I look forward to reading your interview about crime fiction as well as your thoughts on the event. Good luck to you.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger RFD@15037 said...

Wow! I wish I could be there. However, my travels funds are drained this year. Moreover, when I was last in Bangkok (1982), I became the notorious "ugly American," so I might not clear customs if I arrived there. In any case, have a wonderful time. I am envious! Perhaps I could have a vicarious experience instead by reading some Bangkok noir. Share your recommendations for first-rate reading.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Christopher: I feel a bit like Holly Martins in The Third Man. And, as mentioned above, I expect to ask lots of questions, quite possibly more than I'll answer.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Seana, the event should be fun. The venue is a long-established destination. And I would get a great kick out of your friends' dropping by.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Gerard: I have never thought of myself as an attraction, and even for this event, I think I am more a convenient excuse to get together for a few drinks and maybe some music. That's at least as good as being an attraction, I'd say. And yes, I plan to attend Crimefest.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Prashant: I've been reading some crime fiction set in Southeast Asia, at least some of it written by people who I think will attend the event. I'll wind up interviewing them more than they'll interview me.

November 05, 2015  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

R.T., the "Bangkok Noir" collection, by Heaven Lake Press, has some good stuff in it, and not just fiction, either. In re ugly Americans, I'll have to ask my hosts about the expat life. The subject came up in an interview I did with Tim Hallinan a few years ago:

November 05, 2015  

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