Le trouble avec Harry

Nesbø dit qu'il a envoyé son personnage principal, Harry Hole, en Thaïlande dans Les Cafards parce que:
"J'étais fatigué de lire des polars scandinaves réalistes, qui traitent des problèmes quotidiens des gens dans les pays riches. Alors j'ai amené mon personnage à l'étranger, et j'ai pu également jeter un oeil sur le façon de penser scandinave depuis l'extérieur."Il dit aussi qu'il ne se considère pas comme partie d'une famille des auteurs de polars scandinaves.
L'interview discute cinq romans de Jo Nesbø disponibles en français. Naturellement, seulment deux ont été déjà traduits du norvégien vers l'anglais.
© Peter Rozovsky 2007
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Labels: crime fiction in translation, Jo Nesbø, Nordic crime, Norway, Scandinavia
Merci beaucoup :). There are at least two more Cammilleris available in French than in English. Similar position for Scandinavian authors translated into German too.
Je vous en prie! The comment came about purely by chance. I had recently read The Redbreast and posted two comments about it, and I did what I often do: I searched for more comments and articles about my subject. I found that interview with Jo Nesbø, and I thought: Aha! A short piece about a subject of interest. The perfect chance to practice reading French.
Only as I read did I realize that I had run up yet again against the scarcity of translated crime fiction available in English. I liked Nesbø's comment about why he liked to take Harry Hole to far-flung destinations. He does not do much of that in the two books available in English. The Redbreast takes Hole to Sweden, but events back home in Norway cut the trip short. Not having those other novels available in English, we miss the world-travelling aspect of Nesbø and his protagonist.
Une entrevue régénérateuse - amour de I il quand vous pouvez regarder la vie dans un autre pays par les yeux d'un visiteur - et pas tous les nous peut rester à cinq tiennent le premier rôle des hôtels - certains d'entre nous doivent rester aux demeures moins salubres :)
Remerciez la qualité de babelfish.altavista.com
Yes, the interview was refreshing, all right. Reading those as yet unavailable to us novels of Jo Nesbø's would be doubly refreshing for we readers of English. We would be outsiders to the perspective of a Norwegian writer who was himself an outsider or visitor. I hope the novels with Harry Hole's visits to Australia and Thailand eventually find their way into English.
And if you really want some fun, find an English passage, then use Babel Fish to translate it into another language (or other languages), then translate it back into English.
A third book will be available in English, next March. The references in The Redbreast to Harry's time in Australia were most tantalising!
I've read that the title will be House of Pain (I think I read it on your blog first.)
I mentioned that I liked Nesbø's reasons for taking Harry Hole to Australia and Thailand. There is much we don't know about What Hole can get up to!
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