Saturday, April 30, 2016

I missed the bus home from the Edgar Awards. You won't believe what happened next!

(All photos by Peter Rozovsky)
Walter Mosley
I missed the 11 p.m. bus from New York after the Edgar Awards Thursday, so I returned to the Grand Hyatt and tagged along to a party at the Center for Fiction, where I had a nice schmooze with Sara Paretsky, ran into John Lawton, complimented W. Paul Coates on the speech he had made introducing Walter Mosley earlier in the evening, gabbed with Janet Rudolph, renewed acquaintances with Sheila York after we'd shared a row on a plane from Phoenix to Long Beach for Bouchercon in 2014, gawked at Meredith Cole's polka-dotted rain boots, and apologized to Otto Penzler for crashing the party, to which he graciously replied that he was glad I'd shown up.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Sam Reaves
Then it was back to the hotel bar for drinks with some of the same gang plus Reed Farrel Coleman and others. That part of the evening included some good stories about the Ivory Coast from Janet's affable husband.

Sara Paretsky
I forgot to mention yesterday that I've been going to these events long enough now that I knew just about everyone who sat at my table for the awards dinner. That included Sarah Weinman, Stacia Decker, Paul Charles, and Ellen Clair Lamb, the last of whom was happy to answer some questions about publishing. Once again, it was good fun spending time with people who know about things that I don't and who like to share their knowledge.  So I'm not sorry I missed that bus.

Jon McGoran, Linda Joffe Hull
© Peter Rozovsky 2016



Blogger seana graham said...

I am pretty sure this is a much better missing the bus story than I have ever had.
But I don't begrudge you it in the least.

May 01, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

I have another good late-night bus story that came up Thursday evening, but I'll save that for another late night. Now, to bed.

May 01, 2016  
Blogger TRR@HP15135 said...

I don't know which most astonishes me: your schmooze encounters (which I envy) or the prospect of bus-riding (which causes me IBS just thinking about it).

May 01, 2016  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

The schmoozing is far more impressive. The bus is short, reasonably comfortable, and cheap, though I took the train for the return trip because at 3:30 in the morning, the extra comfort and speed are worth the extra money.

May 01, 2016  

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