A little Crash

But too much else is going on in the book — obsession, eroticism, technology, technological and erotic obsession, eroticized technology, Elizabeth Taylor — for me to start asking what it all means. So for now, here's a passage that might give our celebrity-obsessed age pause:
"As one of the first of the new-style TV scientists, Vaughan had combined a high degree of personal glamour — heavy black hair over a scarred face, an American combat jacket — with an aggressive lecture-theatre manner and complete conviction in his subject matter ... Vaughan had projected a potent image, almost that of a scientist as hoodlum, driving about from laboratory to television centre on a high-powered motorcycle. Literate, ambitious and adept at self-publicity, he was saved from being no more than a pushy careerist with a Ph.D. by a strain of naive idealism ..."© Peter Rozovsky 2011
Labels: J.G. Ballard, miscellaneous
Ah the innocence of the 70's. He'd be called Dr Vaughan now and would have his own show about curing monomaniacs on the Oprah network.
Unless he were a rival to Oprah.
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