Thursday, February 22, 2018

It Had to Be Hitchcock

One of the cool things about my new job in New York is that one of my new colleagues is a big Alfred Hitchcock fan. In her honor, here's a photo I took in New York's Chinatown last week.

© Peter Rozovsky 2018

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Blogger TRR@HP15135 said...

And one of the cool things about your posting is your return to blogging. Hooray!

February 22, 2018  
Blogger J. Kingston Pierce said...

Very cool, Peter. What job finally took you to Gotham?


February 22, 2018  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Thanks, R.T.

March 05, 2018  
Blogger Peter Rozovsky said...

Thanks, Jeff. I'm now a copy editor for Law360, a sort of news and trade publication for the legal industry. Lots of good things about this place, the foremost of which is that it's hiring--welcome now that American newspapers have decided copy editors are disposable.

March 05, 2018  

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